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    Polandball Wiki

    T h e y n e v e r g o t E t h i o p i a
    — Bill Wurtz
    I said oooooooooooh...
    I'm blinded by the lights...
    No, I can't sleep until I feel your touch...
    — Abel "The Weeknd" Tesfaye, who is Ethiopian descent, singing "Blinding Lights"
    ብቸኛው የባዶነት ቅዝቃዜ ብቻ ነው የንስሐ ጊዜ ተጠናቅቋል ፣ ምክንያቱም ጥፋቶችህ በክፉ ዓይነትህ ከማንኛውም ተልእኮ ይበልጣሉ መጨረሻው ቅርብ ነው ፣ የኃጢያት መርከቦች ውዳሴ ይጠብቃል ፡፡ ለዓለማት ጌታ ለአላህ

    Ethiopiaball​​, Eden officially the famine land Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopiaball , formerly known as Abyssiniaball, is a poor as shit landlocked countryball within the Horn of Africa.

    It is bordered by Eritreaball and Djiboutiball to the North, Kenyaball to the South, Somaliaball to the East, and Sudanball and South Sudanball to the West. The countryball is divided into 9 regionballs, and two administrative cityballs being its capital Addis Abababall and Dire Dawaball, giving it a total area of 426,400 square miles, making it the 26th largest countryball in the world.

    As of 2019, it maintains a population of 112.079 million inhabitants, the most populated landlocked countryball in the World, as well as the second-most populous nation on the African continent after Nigeriaball and the 12th most populous nation in the world. It is also the founder and head of state of African Unionball and its head base is currently living in its capital Addis Abababall.

    It came from a very long history and is considered one of the oldest living countryballs. It was the site of the oldest evidence of Caveballs. Tracing its roots to the 2nd millennium BC, Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history.

    During the first centuries AD the Kingdom of Aksumball, followed by Zagweball, and Abyssiniaball.

    In the 19th and 20th centuries, it was the only country in Africa to resist European colonial power along with Liberiaball(although Liberia was colonized, just by the Americans) except an invasion by Kingdom of Italyball during WW2 and Chinaball present-day colonization.

    Currently, Ethiopiaball is very poor (But eradicating Starvation). It has undergone a series of famines, no money, no peace, and lives mostly on dry clay. Slowly, however, the country began to recover, and now the Ethiopian economy is one of the fastest-growing in Africa.

    In some Polandball comics, Ethiopiaball is depicted to be peanut-shaped instead of circular-shaped. This is a reference to its famine and poverty, and for that reason, why it is "thin". But this could change in the next years, as the country starts to show signs of recovery from the bad years.

    In approximately 10-15 years, Ethiopia will become very rich and maybe until 2050 a very developed country. Ethiopia is also known to be the most religious country in the world, having less than 1% of its population counting themselves as Atheists.

    In the Ahmaric language Ethiopia is a masculine noun. However, like all the other countryballs, the character does not have a specific gender (because many other languages, such as English for example, do not usually give gender to countries).

    Its national Liberation from THE FASCISTS day is June 4th.


    Ethiopia was born as a 4ball but then those 4balls moved to Syria and Iraq to make farms instead of being the nomadic hunting and gathering people. Then some 8balls had settled into the territory as a mini-empire to civilize themselves into tribes until the king of Solomon came and converted the Queen of Sheba into Judaism. Then some Semitic speaking 2balls came and settled near its clay. Ethiopia, as well as all the other horned African countries, is a part of the Afro-Asiatic family.

    Some of the oldest evidence for modern caveballs are found in its clay which is widely considered the region from which caveballs set out for the Middle East and points beyond. Ethiopiaball likes to say to everyone that it is "the beginning of everything".

    The Ethiopian Monarchy and empires started when the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon had children and descended the Ethiopian empire from there from 100AD- 1974AD from the same monarch family genetically related to them.

    It was a monarchy for most of its history. During the first centuries of the Common Era, the Kingdom of Aksumball (c.100-c.940) maintained a unified civilization in the region and is an early site of Christianity and also became the first African Jewish kingdom.

    The Aksum Kingdom

    Kingdom of Aksumball made Ancient Egyptball (now known as Egyptball and Kushball (now known modernly as Sudanball) irrelevant and started a new century of religious movements and becoming a glorious Christan African empire. Aksum had annexed Kushball and Ancient Egyptball became part of Ancient Romeball and eventually Coptball. Askum also took an Asian kingdom Himyarite Kingdomball (which is now known as Yemenball). It and Solomon lead Ethiopiaball to be part of the Afro-Asian family.

    The Kingdom of Aksum had a rich trading system and was the richest ancient African country during its time period compared to current-day poverty in Ethiopia. It was trading with many countries such as the Byzantine Empire, China, Japan, North America, Egypt, Ghana, the Arab countries, and so on. Ethiopia's rich resources of water and coffee had led to a revolution of drinks of energy which is famous today. It was also known that the kingdom of Axum had accepted the Islamic Prohte`s saw of Islam refuges from Mecca. Muslims were very appreciative, and the town of Harari is one of the holiest sights of Islam. Many Ethiopians converted to the religion of Islam afterward.

    The Kingdom of Aksum was well known for making a tall stone obelix which is now known as a historic site used for early orthodox christianitý statues or religious works of art. During the Italian invasion they tried to recreate or re-assemble the historic sight. The United Nations had stooped the fascists and tried to restore the ruins and finished around the time of 2007.

    The Zagwe Dynasty

    Kingdom of Aksumball came to an end when a noble named Mara Takla Haymanot overthrew the successors of Yodit and married the daughter of the last king of Aksum. This would provide him with the legitimacy to rule Ethiopia and form Zagweball which lasted from the 12th and thirteenth centuries. During the dynasty's presence. The Lalibela church which was handmade underground religious citings were built and had unfortunate persecution towards the Ethiopians who are currently Jews in which they made a kingdom called Beta Israelcube in order to protect themselves from the persecution of the Christians. They lasted until 1627 when Abyssiniaball annexed it.

    Zagwe was also well known for uplifting the Coptic Orthodox Christian religion's holy sights. Some Muslims lived in Ethiopia in this time period, but there were not a lot.

    The Zagwe dynasty was overthrown by the Solomonic dynasty that started Abyssiniaball. The first Emperor of the Solomonic dynasty claimed to have been a descendant of Kingdom of Aksumball, ergo it was considered a continuation of such and Kingdom of Aksumball is sometimes referred to as part of the Solomonic dynasty. It, as Ethiopian Empireball became known to the world as Abyssiniaball from the 1200s onwards.

    The Ethiopian Empire Days

    Adal Sultanateball (now known as present-day Harariball and Djiboutiball) had a war with Abyssinia within territory disputes in the 16th century. Abyssinia resisted the invasions with the help of Kingdom of Portugalball, it got to keep Afarball while Adal gets to keep the rest of its territories and gave Harar Sultanateball independence, admitting defeat for Abyssinia. When Abyssinia was in its expansionist phase he annexed Harar Sultanateball. The masters of this invasion were the mind of the Ottoman Empireball whose goal was to make Abyssinia a Muslim state.

    When Abyssiniaball was finally at peace away from the kebab war, it had to deal with its own problems. Ethiopia was at the time a feudal society, where powerful princes, warlords, and regional chiefs would fight each other for supremacy, this period was known as Zemene Mesafint (the "era of the lords"), where the dynasty and emperor lacked the power of taking central authority and couldn't do much to stop those people from tearing the country apart, since they didn't have an army of their own.

    The period is sometimes referred also to as the Yejju dynasty, as the Yejjus who were Oromoballs wielded the most power by serving as regents. Then, in the 1850s, Abyssiniaball got a new Emperor named Tewodros II, and he turned out to be a very important person in Ethiopian history, known for establishing the foundation for a united Ethiopia, which later rulers took inspiration from.

    Even though Tewodros established diplomatic relations with European countryballs and started a period of relative modernization, UKball considered him to be hostile to their regional interests as he had "plans" to expand toward Egypt and Sudan, where the British had their own interests. Hostilities grew when UKball refused to answer his trade proposals, so Abyssiniaball imprisoned missionary-craftsmen and demanded them to teach Ethiopians how to make modern weapons. This let UKball infuriated as they couldn't tolerate an African countryball producing modern weapons, they refused all bargain proposals and launched a military campaign against Ethiopia and Tewodros.

    The troops of Tewodros fought bravely but succumbed in the end, he committed suicide out of shame after UKball captured his fortress. UKball eventually left Ethiopia in chaos after one year, dismantling the union brought by the previous government, now many people were fighting for the throne following the power vacuum. But before they withdrew, the British made some military agreements with lords from Tigrayball, and thanks to that, Yohannes IV sieged power in 1871, three years after the British left Ethiopia. As was expected, Yohannes was less hostile toward UKball compared to his predecessor. During his rule, the army saw some modernization out of cooperation under the British terms.

    Yohannes's rule was controversial, he reestablished good relations with the elites and gave more regional autonomy to them. Among his great deeds, the most important one was the victory in the war against the Khedivate of Egyptball, a vassal state of the Ottoman Empireball, where they occupied Ethiopian territory on the north and the Red Sea coast. The victory was very important to Ethiopian military history as it proved the country was prepared to defend its independence and interests. However, Yohannes ended up later killed in battle against Mahdist Sudanball.

    Negus Menelik of Shewa didn't allow the son of Yohannes to take the throne after his death. This led to a huge debate among the Ethiopian nobility that in the end recognized Menelik as the new Emperor. Menelik was a sympathizer of the deceased Emperor Tewodros, he aimed to follow his legacy in opposition to that of Yohannes, who was his long-time rival. It was in his period that Abyssiniaball was fully centralized, and the numerous clan wars that had been devastating the country and making it unstable were ended. He also expanded to the lands which nowadays correspond to the modern Ethiopian borders, such as Eritreaball and previously Somali speaking territories, such as current-day Oromiaball, Dervish Stateball and Eritreaball.

    During the scramble of Africa, the Italian colonial empire started to expand toward Eritreaball, which used to be Ethiopia's territory. Abyssinia was at first fine with their peace treaty of taking Eritrea as their own, but the translation between the Amharic peace treaty and the Italian one was different. The Italians believed they would take all of Ethiopia as their puppet coffee state that would not be allowed to trade with anyone else other than Italy. Abyssinia did not like this which leads to the First Italo-Ethiopian War.

    During his rule Menelik had defended a friendship with the Russian Empireball instead of with } UKball, shifting away from Yohannes previous pro-British foreign policy. He emphasized the Orthodox Christian links between the two countries, Russia then helped him during the First Italo-Ethiopian War, giving strong weapons, soldiers, and supplies to support Ethiopia's independence.

    Emiye Menelik is very respected by the countryballs of Africa because he defended Ethiopia and defeated Italyball in their attempt to colonize it. After the First Italo-Ethiopian War Abyssinia started to have more calmer and diplomatic relationships towards UKball. In this period the infrastructure also became better and some progressive reforms were carried out that helped to consolidate the Ethiopian position as an internationally recognized independent nation, the first modern bank in Ethiopia was founded as well as a modern postal system, later the telephone, telegraph, motor car, electricity to Addis Ababa (that became the permanent capital) and modern plumbing were introduced.

    But Emiye Menelik had also done bad things such as committing atrocities towards the Disrespected Ethnic groups during the time period when they attempted to revolt. Those ethnic groups (except for Somalis) were the target of slavery in the Arab slave trade. Menelik tried to definitely abolish slavery in Ethiopia, but seeing his efforts were not giving results, he eventually stopped trying to fiercely achieve such a goal.


    Due to the many invasions using puppet states, Abyssinia decided to cut ties with Ottoman Empireball and backed the Allied powers, as they were worried that Ethiopians could end up oppressed in a scenario where the Central powers would end up victorious. This led Abyssinia to support Armeniaball on the genocide, because they were both Christian, and was irritated by the 3 invasions caused by its oppressor. Abyssinia even provided homes for escaped Armenians and took good care of them while they were getting persecuted in modern-day Turkey.

    Abyssinia then invaded one of the Ottomans central power checkpoints, the Dervish Stateball and annexed and occuppied it untill 1915. It was helping USAball and UKball in the WW1, and ultimatly it helped lead to the death of Ottoman Empireball. Due to this, UKball started to become friends with Abyssinia because they had common goals. The results was the split of what is Dervish Stateball (now known as Somaliaball, Somalilandball and Djiboutiball or Greater Somalia) between UKball Abyssiniaball Franceball and Kingdom of Italyball.

    It is important to remember that another internal power struggle happened in Ethiopia during this period, as designated emperor, Lij Iyasu was seen as a sympathizer of the Dervish Stateball struggle against the Europeans, as well having pro- Ottoman Empireball sentiments, which would put Ethiopia on the side of the Central power. The British made claims a major jihad against Ethiopia was being launched and so Lij Iyasu was accused of being secretly a Muslim conspiring against Ethiopia, this sparked panic among the nobility and the clergy. He was deposed by his aunt Zewditu in a coup supported by the Europeans obviously, that in return fully backed their war efforts in Somaliland.

    Though Abyssinia stayed officially neutral during WW1, they were clearly pro-Allied powers as that culminated at the end of that one annoying Somali invader and blockage of trading. The split of Somalia led to civil wars and desperate attempts of Somaliaball during the Cold War and modern days to unite with Djiboutiball, Ogadenball and the Eastern coast of Kenyaball, to become Neo-Greater Somalia. Obviously, they didn't achieve it because of their own civil wars.


    In 1935, Italyball came back and succeeded in "civilizing" it this time, but only for 6 years before Franceball and UKball helped Ethiopiaball kick it out in 1941. Meanwhile, during the Second Italo Ethiopian war which was an event that happened during World War II, Ethiopia used illegal Dum-dum bullets and mutilated captured Italian and Eritrean soldiers... in response, Italy used mustard gas against soldiers and civilians. When Halie Selassie pleaded the League of Nationsball to help protect them during the war, UKball and Franceball were scared of Italy, and therefore actually helped Italy win the war so they can side with ally powers.

    Due to being located in Africa, racist ideologies, and of course being an axis power, genocide in 6 years of occupation, the Italian Holocaust happened. Lethal Gas attacking innocent civilians with inhuman weapons and committing genocide towards Beta Israelite citizens and the minority dark-skinned Nubians from the southwest. Italian Abyssiniaball had also been divided into many governorates.

    Due to this cruelty New Zealandball, Sovietball, Chinaball, and Spainball USAball and Mexicoball had refused to recognize Italian East Africaball as a colony of Abyssinia. When Liberated the Beta isralites had fleed to Israelcube so they can practice Judaism freely without persecution or genocide. The Nubians are now continuing their local lives and traditions living among the Omo valley and Gambelaball.

    The League of Nationsball could not prevent WW2 from happening, so some nations tried on their own to stop Italy's torture and fascism. In the East African Campaign and North African Campaign, the Italian garrison and Eritrean askari were no match for the British and Abregenoch (Ethiopian national resistance) that liberated the country, however, from 1941 to 1949 Italian resistance fighters continued fighting against allies in hopes of restoring Italian East Africaball. UNball then took Somalilandball whereas Abyssinia after been liberated was allowed to take Italian Eritreaball away from Fascist Italy. Kingdom of Libyaball gained their independence.

    Only Italian Somalilandball Stayed as a Italian colony, but became a socialist-communist country named Somali Democratic Republicball. The success of not being colonized hat led Abyssina's colors to become the Pan-African colors, which subsequently, many newly born African countryballs adapted when the Europeans decided to decolonize. After WW2, Abyssinia was one of the founders of UNball so that the world can prevent WW3. Currently, Tedros is the WHO president, and he represents the country of Ethiopia.

    The Cold War and the spread of rastafari

    Abyssinia had helped South Koreaball during the Korean War..helping the Capitalist along with many other countries which were allies of USAball The debts in the war had lead South Korea to have positive insights of Ethiopia, unlike most African countries. (it helps Ethiopia for debt during the pandemic)

    When Jamaicaball had a drought for many decades until Emperor Haile Selassie visited and brought rain which is a miracle for the people of Jamaica which lead to the Jamaican people to believe that Selassie is a reincarnation of god or a prophet and made a religious and social movement called Rastafari. Rastafari gained famous for Pan-Africanism and Black nationalism in Jamaica. Currently, there are around 1 million people saying that Rastafari is their official religion.

    After the Second Italo-Ethiopian War, Italy brought cattle from Indiaball which had plenty of diseases so Ethiopia was running out of food as revenge. This leads to a huge famine and lead the people to lose hope in the monarchy of Abyssinia as Emperor Haile Selassie's theocratic rule reached its limit in the 70s with the height of popular dissatisfaction due to conditions of misery, repression, and corruption.

    In the face of this conflict, the imperial government agreed with the civil government to carry out some progressive political reforms, but such reforms did not progress, conditions did not improve, dissatisfaction continued and chaos in the government continued to increase.

    The Communism Days

    In 1974, Ethiopian Empireball announced the release of several state officials who had been convicted of corruption and other crimes. There were a series of demonstrations leading some low-ranking military personnel to found the Coordinating Committee of the Armed Forces, Police and Territorial Army (DERG), which had the initial objective of combating state corruption in the military. Dergball had arrested a lot of people close to the Emperor, which led to a proposed reform to institute a Constitutional Monarchy, but on September 12, Dergball organized the Ethiopian Revolution which deposed and arrested the Emperor, overthrew the civilian government, reorganized itself as the Provisional Military Administrative Council (PMAC) and took over the government, appointing military Aman Andom as head of state and government.

    Aman was in the minority in terms of supporters within Dergball, he went on to contradict central decisions on a number of issues, even trying to summon his supporters to overthrow Dergball, which led to his execution. The next president elected by Dergball was Tafari Benti, who announced the provisional government as officially Marxist-Leninist with the intention of establishing a socialist government.

    He executed the Emperor Haile Selassie, initiated policies for the establishment of Local Surveillance Committees ( Soviets), destroyed the feudal economy, and started the collectivization of the rural and urban economy, expropriated the nobility and clergy, and started literacy and health programs, causing Dergball popularity to increase and the country to achieve great economic, social and political advances. Dergball however continued to further prolong the military regime, which led to conflicts between its internal factions that resulted in the "Ethiopian Red Terror", where many people were killed in street clashes.

    In 1977, Mengistu Haile Mariam initiated treaties between Dergball and Soviet Unionball to establish a Soviet-style state, Tafari's opposition to those talks led to his execution and the consolidation of power by Mengistu that was elected as the new president. In the same year, Somali Democratic Republicball invaded Ethiopia to take over the disputed territory of Ogadeniaball, that they claimed Ethiopians had stolen in the past.

    The war brought huge losses to all sides and ended in 1978 after Somaliaball suffered several defeats and Cubaball convinced that the war was of no use to the communist cause. While Somaliaball had been backed by most of the West just to be betrayed and bombed later to become the "government" we know today, Ethiopia gained the support of most of the Eastern Bloc and furthered its relations with it.

    In 1978, Dergball tried to better develop the economy which was suffering from a terrible crisis caused by political conflicts, the war with Somalia that together with already existent famines and droughts turned out to be a massive problem, with the Ethiopian famine becoming news all over the world and used as propaganda against the government.

    Dergball however had no great results and had to receive international aid in face of the worsening conditions. While a lot of economic, military, and political aid was provided by Soviet Unionball, capitalist countries would also send some aid, the regime still managed to maintain a fiscal administration and national productivity that prevented them from falling into debt with other countries such as the USAball and UKball.

    In the next years, the political situation didn't improve and the internal conflicts only got worse, being not just about socialist factions that used to compose the broad frames of Dergball fighting each other anymore. They became about separatist regions, local nationalists even receiving extended rights they have never seen before, disagreed over Dergball centralized model.

    These separatist regions were Tigrayball, Oromiaball, Eritreaball, and Afarball. They would find a lot of support by the part of countries like the UKball, but still only Eritreaball gained independence in 1993. Due to Erireaballs independence. Ethiopia became landlocked. Ethiopia and Eritrea had many border-line issues until 2018.

    In 1984 the single communist party began to be organized for the establishment of a socialist republic. The new communist constitution was popularly approved in 1987, ending the 13 years of the provisional government of Dergball and starting the brief communist government of PDR Ethiopiaball.

    With the political change in the Soviet Unionball, the process of crisis and the overthrow of socialist regimes around the world began in the late 1980s, aggravating the internal situation in PDR Ethiopiaball that was already bad and ended up terrible. An ideal context of sabotage was created to dissolve the Ethiopian government. In 1989, a military coup organized by the newly formed Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) and members of the government itself took place with the approval of the Soviets, the incident demonstrated that part of the government did not have a large ideological compromise. The coup dissolved the communist government and started the development of new capitalism in 1991, with Mengistu exiled to Zimbabweball, where he still lives today.

    Modern Day Ethiopia

    After 1991, it was put into a transitional government until 1995 when the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopiaball was founded under the leadership of new president Meles Zenawi, which moved the country to so-called Ethnic federalism, which divided it on ethnic lines into nine regional states and two multiethnic administrations. Ethnic groups also in theory received the "right of secession", in theory just as the government continued to violently fight anyone that aimed to do so.

    Unfortunately, Ethiopia continued starving and living in poverty for a long time but now started to recover from the bad times. Ethiopia is now one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. If Ethiopia continues to progress at its current rate it will be richer than the current Mexicoball by 2030.

    On July 9, 2018, its Prime Minister and Eritreaball's president restored diplomatic relations by finalizing their border, officially ending the border conflict.

    Around March 10, 2019, Ethiopian Airlines had a recent airplane crash using the Boeing 737 Max plane in which the piolets were not properly trained compared to the regular Boeing 737. This caused some countries such as USAball to ban using this certain model of the plane which is not properly settled for flight. This led to 300+ deaths during the tragedy.

    Currently, Ethiopia is in a feud with Egyptball against the Grand Renaissance Ethiopian dam, and has some territorial disputes in Tigrayball. Ethiopia is also a country that generally dislikes alcohol and there are also many vegetarians in Ethiopia.


    Ethiopiaball is a generally friendly countryball and is nice to almost everybody except for Pasta and Damn removers It is also very religious and would not take any excuses for unholy actions even though it literally started drinking alcohol when it was only 15. It sometimes get angry when its Annoying neighbors are acting corrupted as usual. It likes to make sarcastic and witty jokes sometimes. When Ethiopia is a female, it is usually a tsundere stereotypically. Ethiopiaball is the only African country that can into skiing. Ethiopiaball is also very bold and has a really big ego when it comes to being historic. It is very brave but is sometimes scared to think about the nightmarish famine that it had to deal with.


    There are 10 provinces in Ethiopia

    • Addis Ababa - Joy of my life :) and capital city. It loves Adidas (like Russia!)
    • Afar - Kebab child, I like it when it isn't separatist. Once was stolen from me by Adal, it make it kebab. Also, please stop accusing me of kidnapping you. But thanks for helping me with Tigrayball.
    • Amhara - My second oldest child, I use its language and second favorite child since it made me relevant. And I'm sorry that Oromiaball and Tigrayball are massacring yuo, don't worry, they will be punished, starting with Tigrayball.
    • Beninshangul-Gumuz - Child with two personalities, one being Benishangul and the other being Gumuz. The population here is mostly South Sudanese refugees who escaped from the cruelty from their previous president.
    • Dire Dawa - Child, but I don't love you as much as I love Addis because of your extremely hot temperatures.
    • Gambela - The tribal child, settle down plox and stop hurting your lips!
    • Harari - Child. Religious Kebab I colonized in the 1800's. Adal had made its a kebab with some yodeling Muslim stories. I think it is its inspiration I guess?
    • Oromia - Angry and rebellious child. It is the second oldest. We have a bad history and it can into protest so I make it PM. I am sorry for the genocide from Menilik okay? BUT NO RIGHTS FOR YOU!! You will be punished too with you friend for hurting Amhara.
    • Somali (Ogaden) - Child, I rightfully conquested you, stop trying to join pirate kebab because your economy would be screwed otherwise.
    • Southern "Nations, Nationalities", and People's Region (SNNPR) - Child with a stupid name and cool flag.
    • Sidama - Grandchild. It is so cute.
    • Tigray - Child who is always bullying my other children (especially Amharaball). He is misbehaving again now and it needs to be punished.

    Flag Colors

    Main Colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    North Texas Green 7, 137, 48 C95-M0-Y65-K46 #078930
    Yellow (Pantone) 252, 221, 9 C0-M12-Y96-K1 #FCDD09
    Lava 218, 18, 26 C0-M92-Y88-K15 #DA121A

    Emblem Colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    Cobalt Blue 15, 71, 175 C91-M59-Y0-K31 #0F47AF
    Yellow (Pantone) 252, 221, 9 C0-M12-Y96-K1 #FCDD09

    Relationships ግንኙነቶች

    Friends (ጓደኞች/Gwadenyochi)

    • Liberiaball - Another African countryball who was not colonzied.
    • Italyball - You were an invader and war criminal when you were under Fascists (Never forget THE MASSACERE OF MILLIONS OF INNOCENTS ORTHODOX AND JEWS, FUCK MUSSOLINI!) but we get along today! We are both Christians, and it is of recognizing usage of gas attacks now. Italy is also among the top 5 trading partners with Ethiopia and a major investor in the Ethiopian economy. It also helps me build of Ethiopian Renaissance dam, Of thanks yuo! See the enemies list...
    • Eritreaball - (Formely) ኤርትራ አንድ ደደብ ዝንጀሮ ነው! አንጎልህ ቆሻሻው ያነሰ ነው!! ጣሊያናዊ አሻንጉሊት አሳማ ዶግ!! ሁለቱን ድርጅቶች መዋሐድ! Scary psychotic mentally disturbed child, created from a war with Italyball. Worst enemy during my former self. We are getting along much better and is my best sibling! So many cultural similarities. It helps in the war against Tigray. And we will be one again!
    • Djiboutiball - A cute small neighbor that gives me access to the sea, so I don't have to worry of being landlocked. It is a good friend to go for international trade.
    • Kenyaball - One of my only nice neighbors... also we both love to run!
    • Somalilandball - It is a great friend, I hope that the others will recognize it very soon! My soon to be baby cousin. If only Somalia was more accepting!!
    • Iranball - We have great history and cultural similarities. But the most important thing is: WE SURVIVED WORLD WAR II!
    • Philippinesball - Who doesn't love the Philippines? Good friend because we both hate some Stupid Arabs who abuse our migrant workers. I also love their food. Our presidents get along and decided to make a travel ban to save our migrant workers.
    • Ghanaball - Fellow Pan Africanist ( WE FOUNDED THE AFRICA UNION SUCKERS European suckers!) who started trend of using my flag in independence movements. We are the founders of Ye’Afirīka Hibireti.
    • Armeniaball - It is my best frind in Europe. I recognize your genocide and even provided a Christian home for your escaped refugees. I hate Evil Kebab Empire and will always support you against it. We were also the first Christians in the world.
    • Boliviaball - Has a similar flag, size, and United Nations Charter date like me, also landlocked. We support each other.
    • Palestineball - I recognize you.
    • Omanball - You're one of the only Middle Eastern countries I like.
    • Lithuaniaball and Myanmarball - Fans of my Pan-African movement, even though they are not in Africa. Thanks for the support.
    • Indiaball - Another friend. I love its stuff and its country. More Bollywood movies, plox! though Ethiopian dramas are better. It helps me fight pirates together.
    • South Koreaball - Trading partners. I helped its during the Korean War and in favor of helpings me in pandemic. Thank you for the aid. It also made Ethiopian food popular from its MUKBANGS!
    • Chinaball - We have a lot in common with our history and it is helping me modernize today. It helps me build the Grand Renaissance Dam.
    • Indonesiaball - Thank yuo for gibbing me food. Also, yuor Indomie is very yummy!
    • Thailandball - Southeast Asian version of me. We both are the co-founders of groups near our regions ( African Unionball and ASEANcoin) to make us more relevant. We also can into never colonize! We survived from the BRITS! They also likes my food.
    • UAEball - I like it because it does not slave my domestic workers unlike This Evil ONE. And also thank you for helping me and my sibling to fight against the evil Tigrayans. I really appreciate the support.
    • Greeceball - FASCIST REMOVER GANG!! LETS GOO!! Though It called me "land of the burnt faces" Is our bodies white or WHAT but it also called me a heart robber!! I find that sweet :).
    • Canadaball - Friends. Gives me foreign aid, even one of its famous Youtubers Twomad(Muudea Sedik) is of Ethiopian descent.
    • UKball - Friends. It sends me food/aid occasionally. I see many balls calling it old, but compared to me it is a toddler; I have a millennium of ages. It also helped me to kick out Italyball in 1941. but I never forgot your invasion. Coffee is still better than tea though.
    • Mexicoball - Strongly condemned Italian occupation of me, thank you! Your flag looks like Italyball tho.
    • Germanyball - Biggest trade partner by far.
    • Egyptball (IRL) - We both have a good history and we both have a big orthodox community in our countries. Also I love your culture and your traditions.
    • Finlandball - Gives aid and water.
    • Netherlandsball - Big trade partner!
    • Switzerlandball - Another trade partner.
    • Jamaicaball - It thinks I am god, it's weird and creepy but it seems nice and sweet.
    • New Zealandball, Sovietball, Taiwanball, and Second Spanish Republicball - They all condemned Italy along with aforementioned USAball and Mexicoball
    • Sudanball - Thanks for your support while I am in the war. Take as many refugees as you need. You help me first with the Beta Israelites during WW2 and my communist phase and now you are helping me with my refuges from Tigray. I couldn't be any more thankful. I helped it take out its nasty genocidal president back in 2019.
    • Cubaball - Helped me in Ogaden war and Eritrean war, also sent doctors and aid.
    • Saudi Arabiaball, Iranball, Afghanistanball, Liberiaball, Japanball, Mongoliaball, Thailandball, Bhutanball, Koreaballs, and Nepalrawr - We were all not colonized by Europe.

    Neutral/Frenemies (ገለልተኛ/Gelelitenya)

    • Donald Trump - He protects me from Somalia, and my president and him have good relations. However, he has many flaws and my people living in America really hate him. One CONTROL YOUR POLICE! and for two WHY ARE YOU ON KEBAB'S side in water? I THOUGHT WE WERE BOTH KEBAB REMOVERS!!! I also heard you got virus, hope you have a full and swift recovery. Get well soon.
    • Israelcube - Jew friend and far away sibling. It got mad at me for supporting Palestineball independence and accusing it of racism in 2019, it just sent more immigrants to its country in September. We made peace and diplomatic relations again. I really dislike the ideology of Zionism but... As you say you gotta love family.
    • Turkeyball - I hope it can into European Union. It has a great culture and beautiful cities. But Here are the problems with it. First recongize and apologize to Arimēnīya for the Armenian Genocide and for two stop supporting That Pirate and support The civilized human. But at least we really hate That filthy wahabbi pig.
    • North Koreaball - It is my military partner, but please stop arguing with South Koreaball. I made sanctions on its country because it is a big threat with its nukes.
    • South Sudanball - I helped freed you from Sudanball. My president Sahle-Work Zewde tried to make peace with you but you just keep on rejecting the offers over and over.
    • Chileball - We have embassies and it is a really good trading partner but why you eat injera with forks and why steal the sea from my bestie Bolivia? Now it is anti-imperialist because of yuo.
    • Gaddafiball - Pan Africanist who I will forever respect and remember... but I'm not keen on how it supported my communist regime... It also likes Somalia and does not consider Somaliland independent so I do not know what's up with it. Also sort of evil.
    • UNball - I helped create yuo, plox gib aid!
    • Russiaball - It wants to cooperate with me and we are both Orthodox. It also supported me in the first war with Italy but stop bullying Ukraineball and handover that Crimeaball.
    • Somaliaball - Pirate sibling. Is of needing to calm down. Also, you should give Somalīlanidi (who me and Taiwanball and a few others recognize) independence and try to recognize it ok? I really do not have the time to have war with you now my economy is growing rapidly, so please stop making threats! JUST CALM DOWN. PLEASE BE NICE!
    • USAball - We used to be friends till last year. It would send me aid/food occasionally and said it would protect me from Somaliaball. Then it decided to impose sanctions on me over war with Woyane parasites, me and my people are starting to hate it more day by day. Please remove sanctions and Help me fight against the Woyanes. Other than that, still a good friend. Also why did I lose access to your trade program?

    Enemies (አኒሜ/Ānīmē)

    • ISISball - Please leave.. Why do you want a Christian country anyway? Genocide??? Go away!
    • Italyball (sometimes/fomerly) - FUCK YOU! I did not even have that much of a beef with you guys, since I forgave you for 1895. I just wanted to abstain from alcohol and meat in peace and suddenly the wine and cannoli addict comes in and punches me in the face while drunk on alcohol and then takes over my land. Can't you just leave me in peace for once? And you also cheated by deploying too many AFVs as well as gas planes. I shall never forgive you for 1935! Never!
    • Crimeaball - Yuo are still part of Ukraineball's clay. So please stop getting cozy with Russiaball.
    • Moroccoball - Why did you help the Saxxiabs against me in 1978? I forgive you though..but remember... you have the guts to steal the House of Solomon flag. Israel never gave you autonomy because the house of Solomon Star was never in your clay, it was in my clay (Sheba). Learn your history mate before of coming up with random flags... And free Western Sahara.
    • Egyptball (politically) - LET ME OF USING RIVERS! We are good outside of that though, we both love our history. I CANNOT SUFFER IN THIRST ANYMORE! WHY DOES USAball Support you?? Are you not kebab? ALSO DID YOU JUST JOINED HIS protests? You're kind of crazy nowadays.
    • Almost all of the Entire Middle East - Why do you all hate my immigrants and domestic workers? Is it because... oh, damn... a pile of racists. I hate most of you, just some of you are worse than others.
    • Kosovoball - Sorry but you are rightful Serbian clay.
    • Soviet Unionball - I will never forget you helping the commies overthrow my last king. But you know, at least you are in the Orthodox religion.
    • Anti-Ethiopia Rioters - Great, now I am descending into civil war after my economy is improving! SCREW ALL OF YUO FOR RIOTING!
    • EUball - Mind your business with what I do with Tigray, nosy Europeans! REMOVE SANCTIONS!
    • Sudanball - Sometimes When it declares war on me just because of a BORDER DISPUTE!
    • Southern Red Seaball - GIB SEA or else
    • Kingdom of Italyball - It tried to "Colonize" My parent!! You thought that you were the only one?? all of these tried so...you're offically the 5th person who tried to colnize!!! And you occupied me only for six years! This is not colonialism! (I think...) AND SAVE BETA ISRALITE JEWS!
    • Ottoman Empireball - It invaded me three times and supported Somaliaball ancestors. That's all it takes for me to hate you more than Fascist's gas.
    • Boeing - You are responsible for killing 300 innocent Ethiopians because you want to test with a stupid model! JUST TEST THAT MODEL WITHOUT ANYONE IN IT FIRST!
    • Greeceball (only when it makes fun of its name) - STOP CALLING ME "BURNT FACE"! ( Ethiopia's name is based on the Greek words aitho, (I burn) and ops (face), which is called "Burnt Face")



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